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Festivities & Events

Portada / Festivities & Events
The festivities in the Peruvian highlands are a sight to see, both by different dancers who participate in them, and by the richness of the litter of Saints and Virgins taking off in procession. With centuries of tradition, the festivities are visited by people from various American countries such as Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador, who are fervent believers of them. They are many and varied and, worth noting, the mix and Andean religious festivals are a great example of the cultural richness of the country. The festivities include dances, food, drink, processions and rituals that impress with the excitement and jubilation that spread its participants.

Festivities and Events in Peru

San Juan Festivites

Every year on June 24, the feast of St. John the Baptist, patron saint of this region, is celebrated throughout the Peruvian Amazon, a feast…

Inti Raymi in Cusco 2024

Also called "Fiesta del Sol", it is one of the most important and biggest celebrations in the city of Cusco, it takes place between the…

Santurantikuy - Cusco

It means "sale of saints" in small sizes, made of handmade materials, are clay figurines that represent the birth of the baby Jesus, sold all…

 Señor de Huanca

September 14th is the central day of the Lord of Huanca. For several days, hundreds of parishioners will come to this beautiful sanctuary to worship…

Señor de los Milagros

This festivity is celebrated in various departments of Peru, Cusco being one of them, here the Catholic faith of the devotees make it very special,…


It is the most important gastronomic fair in Peru, Peruvians of different genders, ages, social sectors, celebrate their culinary tradition, in order to show the…

Andean New Year, when is it?

Origin and History of the Andean New Year The bonfires burned throughout the early morning of Tuesday while Andean priests “PAMPAMISAYOQ” recited prayers awaiting the…
Inti Raymi Cusco Peru
Also called "Fiesta del Sol", it is one of the most important and biggest celebrations of the city...
Schedule of holidays in Cusco
We invite you to participate and enjoy each of the activities carried out in the different places...
What you must take to Inca Trail
For those who love nature and adventure, especially those who are eager to explore the...

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