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Natural Attractions Arequipa

Portada / About Peru / Arequipa City / Natural Attractions Arequipa
Rodeada de Volcanes y profundos cañones, la geografía de esta parte del país es sobrecogedora. Darse un tiempo para pasear por estos cañones es imprescindible. Llegar al lugar exacto donde se aprecia un paisaje idílico es un regalo de la naturaleza.

Cotahuasi Canyon

DESCRIPTION The Cotahuasi canyon was formed by the erosion of the waters of the river of the same name plus the affluence of the Huayllapaña…

Colca Canyon

DESCRIPTION The Colca river extends along 450 km on the eastern slope of the Andes mountain range, along its course it changes its name to…

Misti Volcano

DESCRIPTION Misti is one of the seven active volcanoes located in the Pilo-Quaternary volcanic chain of southern Peru, belonging to the Volcanic Zone of the…
Paquetes Perú
Inti Raymi Cusco Peru
Also called "Fiesta del Sol", it is one of the most important and biggest celebrations of the city...
Schedule of holidays in Cusco
We invite you to participate and enjoy each of the activities carried out in the different places...
What you must take to Inca Trail
For those who love nature and adventure, especially those who are eager to explore the...

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