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Water Sports in Peru

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Although Peru is probably most famous for its archeological sites and Inca ruins, it has much more to offer than that. The beaches, jungle, desert and the Andes are just some of the many reasons to visit it. But if you are more of a thrill-seeker, luckily there is also the opportunity to take your adventure to the next level, by doing rafting and kayaking.

CuscoPeru.com offers the option of rafting in Vilcanota River, where you will raft along class II and III rapids; thus this is not for the faint of heart. Even though you have no experience, there is no need to fear, as you will be provided with the right type of gear and receive a briefing before this fun tour, all to get you ready for it. Also, we will start slowly, in the flat parts, until we get to the fast, class III “Slide”, where you will definitely get a rush while rafting around its whirlpools and waves.

However, if you are not a lover of rafting and rather consider kayaking a superior sport, not to worry! We have the option of the Kayak Tour to Piuray Lagoon, during which you can have the time of your life. We know some people feel kayaking is more exciting, while others consider it more dangerous. But with us you are in good hands, as safety is our priority. This kayaking trip takes you through small Andean communities in a surreal landscape. In an atmosphere of great serenity, you can observe various species of birds and fishermen out at work. I will be an unforgettable experience during which you will feel a complete union with nature.

Having become one of the first destinations for rafting in South America, the rivers of Peru await you with their powerful and exciting rapids in one of the most recommended destinations for those who seek adventure. Rafting areas in the middle of deep canyons, Amazonian rainforests and beautiful mountains in the Andes, not only provide adrenaline to make your journey fun, but also become an unforgettable experience of ascending intensity, surrounded by the wonderful Sacred Valley of the Incas, the rivers of the town of Ollantaytambo are also fast. This adventure tour will be one of your unforgettable memories.

One of the most impressive canyons in America passes through three departments of Peru and is named after one of them, Apurimac. Its name comes from Quechua and means "Talking God" and the roar of its high-intensity fast rivers, whose big rocks you pass with an inflatable boat, will leave you with a marvelous adventure. Great athletes of this discipline choose this river for their adventures. Do it yourself too!

Another natural wonder of Peru, the Colca Canyon (possibly the most extensive and deepest on earth- it is important to know, before undertaking an adventure of this level) has a deep crack in the earth through which a beautiful River crosses. Housing an impressive cultural diversity, different dresses, customs and habits Colca Canyon exhibits very unique inhabitants. The adventures of a tour by the rivers cannot be left aside because of the amount of different attractions that they offer us.

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