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Temples Puno

Churches and Cathedrals
Portada / About Peru / Puno City / Temples Puno
Quite particular, both for their style and their iconography, the churches of Puno are unique in the sense of their parishioners. They dress their churches with their typical costumes giving them a different vision than those of other latitudes of Peru.

San Juan Church

DESCRIPTION More than 200 years ago it was a simple chapel of the aborigines, built of adobe, until before its refraction in 1876. Its construction…

San Antonio de Padua Church

DESCRIPTION It is located two blocks from the Plaza de Armas, on Ayacucho Street. Inside is the Lord of Miracles on canvas, the first replica…

San Juan de Letrán Church

DESCRIPTION The San Juan de Letrán Temple, home of the Virgin, is located in the small square of the same name, built with the direct…

The Cathedral of Puno

DESCRIPTION This monument is a representative exponent of the mestizo style. The physical configuration of the monument as for the plant and the dome, is…

La Merced Church

DESCRIPTION It is of republican architecture, it has the denomination of Temple Nuestra Señora de Las Mercedes, and it is located in the Bolognesi Square.…
Packages in Peru
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