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Climate of the Jungle

The Peruvian jungle is home to an extraordinary variety of flora and fauna, thanks to its unique climate. Discover here the fascinating diversity of the climate in the Peruvian jungle.
Jungle of Peru
Jungle of Peru

The extensive Peruvian jungle, traversed by the mighty Amazon River, can be divided into two distinct zones: the high jungle or cloud forest located above 700 meters above sea level, and the low jungle below 700 meters above sea level.

The climate of the Peruvian jungle is hot and humid, relatively constant throughout the year.

Departments of the Peruvian Jungle

The Peruvian jungle is composed of 5 departments: Loreto, Amazonas, San Martin, Ucayali, and Madre de Dios, each with its own characteristic climate.

In the north: Loreto, the largest department, has a tropical climate and abundant jungle. Amazonas, being close to Ecuador, has a warm and rainy climate accompanying its lush forests. San Martin has a warm climate making it unmissable.

In the center: Ucayali has a warm and very rainy climate, perfect for visiting the many waterfalls it has.

In the south: Madre de Dios has sunsets accompanied by a feeling of warmth and light rain.

Seasons in the Jungle

In the Peruvian jungle, the seasons are not very noticeable; however, it is possible to identify them by precipitation.

  • Summer (December to March), temperatures tend to be warmer and the days are mostly rainy; this season is perfect for enjoying outdoor activities.
  • Winter (June to August), the weather is cooler and frequent rain is uncommon. Temperatures are more moderate and pleasant for walking around.

In addition, there are 2 intermediate seasons:

  • Autumn (April and May), temperatures gradually begin to drop, providing cooler and more comfortable weather after the summer heat, and it may also rain.
  • Spring (September and November), characterized by receding waters, clearing the way in the forests, making it perfect for exploration as temperatures start to rise gradually.

It is important to note that, throughout the year, the climate in the Peruvian jungle is generally stable and offers favorable conditions for tourism at any time, with very likely heavy rainy days.

Temperature in the Jungle

The Peruvian jungle divides its area into two: high jungle and low jungle, which causes each to have different temperatures.

The High Jungle has a high normal temperature that can reach up to 26°C and the lowest is 12°C, with humidity between 80% to 90%. Between May and August, the temperature can drop to 8-12°C.

The Low Jungle, on the other hand, has an average temperature that can rise to a maximum of 31°C and usually drops to 15°C, with humidity levels of up to 75%.

In general, the humidity in the jungle is very high throughout the year.

Precipitation in the Jungle

The Peruvian Amazon jungle records the highest rainfall from November to April, during which 80% of the region's rain occurs. The Low Jungle experiences rainfall exceeding 1000 mm/year. The High Jungle experiences heavy rainfall between 2600 mm and 4000 mm, with maximums exceeding 8000 mm/year.

Between April and October, rain is less frequent, rivers decrease their flow, and roads are easily passable. The rainy season, however, between November and March, is characterized by frequent downpours (at least one a day) that can cause deterioration of land access routes.

Manu National Park, located in the Peruvian jungle
Manu National Park, located in the Peruvian jungle

What to Bring to the Peruvian Jungle?

When visiting the Peruvian jungle, it is essential to bring appropriate clothing to adapt to the varied climate. Here are some suggestions:

  • Light and breathable clothing: for warm days, it is recommended to wear long-sleeved and very light shirts so that they dry quickly in case of rain.
  • Sunscreen and hat: protect your skin from the sun with broad-spectrum sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Insect repellent: Repellent is essential during your visit to the jungle, as mosquito bites can be very harsh.
  • Light jackets: even in the jungle, the nights can be cool, so bring a light jacket for the cooler nights.
  • Comfortable footwear: opt for hiking shoes for walking, especially if you plan to explore within the jungle.

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