It offers a fascinating tour of the history and culture of the city through its art exhibits and historical objects.
The Municipal Historical Museum of the city of Arequipa, since its creation has fulfilled a preponderant role: to inform the visitors of certain aspects occurred in this part of the country, some data have to do with the architecture, others with the ethnology, others with the plastic arts, but much more with the history in its wider meaning.The exhibition is distributed in seven rooms:
Pre-Hispanic Hall, Emancipation Hall, Republic Hall, Vinatea Reynoso Hall, Naval Hall, Architecture Hall, Illustrious Arequipeños Hall and the Art Gallery.
The attractions are:
It is a main environment of the Museum, the portraits of the most conspicuous Arequipa citizens who through their effort, work, study and their morality left high the image of Arequipa as the second city of Peru are exposed. They are pedagogues, historians, scientists, priests, poets and jurists, among others.
Teodoro Núñez Ureta (1914 - 1988), until now, the most important Peruvian muralist, whose full mastery of watercolor and the human figure, led him to naturally develop his muralist work in fresco.
Alejandro Nuñez-Ureta (1920 - 1974), Teodoro's brother, is the greatest watercolorist of Arequipa's painting, the most genuine and passionate of the cross country watercolorists, of spontaneous resolution and wise tonal balance.
Pablo Nuñez-Ureta, (Arequipa 1954-2001), has exhibited individually since 1965 in the most important galleries of Arequipa, Tacna and Lima (Peru) and in countries such as Chile and the United States.
His works have been exhibited in group exhibitions in the United States, Canada, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, China, Scotland, India and Morocco.
There are 20 paintings that evoke not only the religiousness and the natural landscape, but also the daily life of the city.
Hours (all year round), from Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00h to 17:00h.
General entrance fee
Foreign tourists: S/. 2 nuevos soles.
Students: S/.0.50 cents of sol.
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