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National Parks and Reserves Jungle

Portada / About Peru / The Jungle In Peru / National Parks and Reserves Jungle
La selva amazónica es algo digno de verse y sentirse, por eso la visita a uno de sus extensos Parques o reservas Nacionales es imprescindible en una visita al Perú. Biodiversidad en todo su esplendor, belleza natural a raudales y ríos de tamaños bastante apreciables son sólo la punta de esta bella experiencia.

Manu National Park

LOCATION Located to the east of the eastern Andes mountain range, it covers part of the departments of Cusco and Madre de Dios.It can be…

Rio Abiseo National Park

LOCATION Abiseo River National Park is located on the Amazonian slope of the Eastern Andes Mountain Range, west of the town of Huicungo, in the…

Tambopata National Reserve

LOCATION The Tambopata National Reserve is located in the southeastern region of the department of Madre de Dios, Tambopata Province.To get to Tambopata National Reserve…

Pacaya Samiria National Reserve

LOCATION It is located in northeastern Peru, politically belongs to the Loreto region and includes part of the provinces of Requena, Alto Amazonas and Ucayali.…
Tours Selva Amazonica
Inti Raymi Cusco Peru
Also called "Fiesta del Sol", it is one of the most important and biggest celebrations of the city...
Schedule of holidays in Cusco
We invite you to participate and enjoy each of the activities carried out in the different places...
What you must take to Inca Trail
For those who love nature and adventure, especially those who are eager to explore the...

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