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Government Palace of Peru

Official seat of government and residence of the President of Peru, noted for its colonial architecture.

Portada / About Peru / Lima / Mansions and Palaces of Lima / Government Palace of Peru


Construction began on January 18, 1535, the same day the Spanish conquistadors founded the city of Lima. However, a second construction was carried out in 1926 because more than one fire destroyed the original design. This second construction ended in 1938. It is located in the Plaza de Armas of Lima, also called Plaza Mayor, on the banks of the Rimac River.


Located in the Plaza Mayor, in the historic center of the city of Lima.



The Government Palace of Peru has beautiful ceremonial rooms and halls, some of them, such as the Golden Hall, were built on the basis of those existing in the Palace of Versailles in France; its facilities, for the most part, were built in a French style.

Tupac Amaru Hall:

In this room are the Four Seasons of the Spanish sculptor Ramón Mateu Montesinos, valuable and sensual nudes of maidens emptied in bronze, placed in four niches of the room, in the superior part of them there are reliefs in plaster with Inca motives work of the Peruvian sculptor Daniel Casafranca.

Jorge Basadre Hall:

In the Basadre Hall, two carriages are exhibited, a landau-type carriage and a sedan-type carriage, which were used to take presidents to official ceremonies.

Golden Hall:

Its wide vault is supported by two pairs of jasper marble columns. Brocade panels, mirrors and four Louis XIV style chandeliers give an atmosphere of sumptuousness that adds to the plaster covered with gold leaf. This room is very effective because protocol ceremonies such as the swearing in of the members of the Council of Ministers of Peru or the imposition of the Order of the Sun of Peru are held here.

Mariano Santos Mateos Hall:

The Mariano Santos Mateos Hall, formerly known as the Ambassadors Hall, is a room where ambassadors present their credentials to the President of the Republic upon being officially recognized. It is also the scene of official meetings with high dignitaries from other nations.

Peace Hall:

The Peace Hall is the great dining room of the palace and is so called because on October 30, 1980 the peace treaty between El Salvador and Honduras was signed there, thanks to the mediation of former president José Luis Bustamante y Rivero.

Presidential residence:

The presidential residence has an 18th century Frenchified air. At the entrance there is a two-story oval salon, wrought iron on the upper floor. Important rooms in the residence are the White Salon and the Golden Salon (this is the ceremonial center of the residence furnished exclusively in the Louis XV style). Upstairs is the large and simple presidential bedroom. The windows overlook the back garden of the palace, limited by huge grilles that join the two arms of the facade.


Hours of operation are from 09:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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