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Buy the entrance Ticket to Machu Picchu for Students

All undergraduate students worldwide receive a special discount on entry to Machu Picchu. Learn all the details here.
Students at the Wonder of the World, Machu Picchu.

The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu is one of the favorite destinations for students from all over the world who yearn to visit this amazing place. In addition, the Peruvian government allows students to access discounts on the purchase of entrance tickets to the Inca citadel. This is done to encourage knowledge about the historical legacy of the Incas to new generations.

What is the Machu Picchu student ticket?

The ticket to Machu Picchu for students is the official document issued by the agency in charge of the care of the Machu Picchu Archaeological Park. There are basically five types of entrance tickets to Machu Picchu and all of them allow you to access the student discount.

The visit to Machu Picchu is included in all the circuits offered, but the route varies according to the chosen circuit, being circuit 2 the most complete and preferred by visitors.

Machu Picchu Ticket (Llaqta) Only

This ticket only includes the visit to the Inca Citadel, and due to its popularity, these tickets sell out the fastest.

General data

  • Admission hours: Admission is every hour, from 06:00 a.m. to 15:00 p.m., since at the time of purchasing the ticket you will have to select a specific time to avoid inconveniences.
  • Travel Time: On average the visit lasts 3 hours.
  • Restrictions: Machu Picchu solo tickets do not have any type of restriction.

Rate for foreigners 2024

Ticket Adult Undergraduate Students Children (3 - 17 years)
Machu Picchu (Llaqta) Only $152.00 (40 USD) $77.00 (20 USD) $70.00 (18 USD)

Rate National or CAN member country 2024

Ticket Adult Undergraduate Students Children (3 - 17 years)
Machu Picchu (Llaqta) Only $64.00 (17 USD) $32.00 (9 USD) $32.00 (9 USD)

Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Huayna Picchu Ticket

This admission ticket is the most popular among visitors, comes included with the circuit 4 and is usually the first to sell out, due to its incredible demand.

General data

  • Entrance hours: There are 4 entrance hours, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
  • Travel time: On average, the visit lasts 5 hours, with the ascent and descent to the mountain.
  • No. of visitors: 200 visitors per day (50 people per schedule).
  • Restrictions: This ticket is only available for visitors over 12 years old.

Rate for foreigners 2024

Ticket Adult Undergraduate Students Children (3 - 17 years)
Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Huayna Picchu S/200.00 (53 USD) S/125.00 (33 USD) S/118.00 (31 USD)

Rate National or CAN member country 2024

Ticket Adult Undergraduate Students Children (3 - 17 years)
Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Huayna Picchu S/112.00 (30 USD) S/80.00 (21 USD) S/80.00 (21 USD)

Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Machu Picchu Mountain Ticket

Circuit 3 is the only one that offers the option to visit the Inca citadel and climb Machu Picchu Mountain.

General data

  • Entrance hours: There are 2 entrance hours, at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
  • Travel time: On average the visit lasts 6 hours, with the ascent and descent to the mountain.
  • No. of visitors: 400 visitors per day (200 people per schedule).
  • Restrictions: This ticket does not have any type of restriction.

Rate for foreigners 2024

Ticket Adult Undergraduate Students Children (3 - 17 years)
Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Machu Picchu Mountain S/200.00 (53 USD) S/125.00 (33 USD) S/118.00 (31 USD)

Rate National or CAN member country 2024

Ticket Adult Undergraduate Students Children (3 - 17 years)
Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Machu Picchu Mountain S/112.00 (30 USD) S/80.00 (21 USD) S/80.00 (21 USD)

Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Huchuy Picchu Mountain Ticket

This is a new built-in ticket that allows you to visit the top of Huchuy Picchu mountain, the mountain that is located next to Huayna Picchu mountain.

General data

  • Entrance hours: There are 5 entrance hours, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
  • Travel time: On average, the visit lasts 4 hours, with the ascent and descent to the mountain.
  • No. of visitors: 200 visitors per day (40 people per schedule).
  • Restrictions: This ticket does not have any type of restriction.

Rate for foreigners 2024

Ticket Adult Undergraduate Students Children (3 - 17 years)
Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Huchuy Picchu Mountain S/152.00 (40 USD) S/77.00 (20 USD) S/70.00 (18 USD)

Rate National or CAN member country 2024

Ticket Adult Undergraduate Students Children (3 - 17 years)
Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Huchuy Picchu Mountain S/64.00 (17 USD) S/32.00 (9 USD) S/32.00 (9 USD)

Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Inca Bridge Ticket

It can be accessed with the ticket of either circuit 1 or circuit 2, selecting the Inca bridge option.

General data

  • Entrance hours: The entrance hours are from 07:00 a.m. until 15:00 p.m.
  • Travel time: The average visit lasts 3 hours.
  • Restrictions: This ticket does not have any type of restriction.

Rate for foreigners 2024

Ticket Adult Undergraduate Students Children (3 - 17 years)
Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Inca Bridge S/152.00 (40 USD) S/77.00 (20 USD) S/70.00 (18 USD)

Rate National or CAN member country 2024

Ticket Adult Undergraduate Students Children (3 - 17 years)
Machu Picchu (Llaqta) + Inca Bridge S/64.00 (17 USD) S/32.00 (9 USD) S/32.00 (9 USD)

Estudiantes en la ciudadela inca de Machu Picchu. Fuente: CuscoPeru.com
Students at the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu

How to buy the ticket to Machu Picchu for students?

Before buying your entrance ticket to Machu Picchu for students, it is important that you check if you meet the necessary requirements to access the discount. Then, check the availability for the date you wish to travel. Once you have done this, you will be able to buy the discounted ticket without any problem.

Requirements to access the Machu Picchu discount for students

  • Be an undergraduate student at any university.
  • Be under 25 years old.
  • Have a valid university card at the time of your visit, issued by your university.
  • Have a valid passport or identity card.
Machu Picchu, Cusco and Valle Sagrado 5 days Machu Picchu, Cusco and Valle Sagrado 5 days

What type of student ID card is valid?

In recent years, the rules for entering Machu Picchu have changed due to cases of people using false documents to obtain student discounts. These issues affect the registration of visitors to the Inca site.

Previously, it was possible to present the international student card known as "ISIC", but due to adulterations and forgeries, this is no longer allowed.

The student card, which is valid to access the discount on the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu for students, must have the following characteristics:

  • El carnet debe ser emitido por la universidad a la que asiste el estudiante.
  • El carnet debe estar vigente al momento de la compra del boleto a Machu Picchu.
  • La fecha de vigencia del carnet debe estar registrada en el carnet
  • El material del carnet debe ser de plástico PVC.
  • Deben estar consignados los nombres, apellidos y foto del estudiante, así como el nombre de la Universidad.

If the university card presented complies with all these requirements it will be considered as valid, if it does not comply with any of these requirements it will not be eligible for the student discount.

Where can I buy a Machu Picchu ticket for students?

The purchase of the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu for students must be done virtually through the Joinnus page.

Within the page you must select the type of ticket and check availability, select the time of entry, then you will have to enter your data, be careful in this field, because after making the purchase no changes will be accepted.

Once you have entered all the data, you will be asked to send a scanned copy of your university ID and passport to verify if you are eligible for the discount offered.

You can also send us the digital copy of your university ID card, as well as your ID or passport and we will take care of the reservation process for you. Just enter the following link: info@cuscoperu.com and request a reservation to visit Machu Picchu.

What documents should I bring with me to enter Machu Picchu?

To enter the archaeological site of Machu Picchu, you must carry with you the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu for students, your physical university card and your national identity card or passport.

An important fact to consider is that the INC considers as school children all those under 18 years of age, that is, they have a differentiated price to enter Machu Picchu.

Estudiantes en la cima de la montaña Huayna Picchu. Fuente: CuscoPeru.com
Students at the top of Huayna Picchu Mountain

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