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Book your tickets for the Huayna Picchu Mountain do it now!!!

One of the best short hikes in the world is Huayna Picchu Mountain, where you will find all the information needed to book tickets to this incredible destination.
reserve sus tickets huayna picchu montana
Panoramic view of Machu Picchu from Huayna Picchu Mountain.

The mountain of Huayna Picchu, which means "young mountain" in the Quechua language of the Incas, is one of the most photographed places in the world, as it is located beside the Inca citadel.

Largely composed of rocks, these have been used as steps and paths that facilitate access to the summit of what is also called the needle mountain. It features a path with a single route for ascent and descent, but undoubtedly what impacts many tourists and visitors the most is the spectacular panorama of the local landscape.

Access to Huayna Picchu mountain is limited to just 325 spots per day due to the high influx of visitors who arrive daily, eager to appreciate the extraordinary architecture and feel the energy of this global wonder.


Huayna Picchu mountain, located approximately at 2,667 meters above sea level, is situated next to the complex of Machu Picchu. The majestic Urubamba River winds around the base of this mountain, forming an almost perfect ‘U’.

The history of Huayna Picchu is closely linked with that of the adjacent citadel, with some accounts suggesting it was a watchpost and control station for the Inca citadel, a communication station, and one of the mountains most revered by the Incas.

During the 1970s and 1980s, access to the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu allowed visitors to both the citadel of Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu mountain, but in the 1990s and early new millennium, the number of tourists increased significantly, prompting the Peruvian government to impose new restrictions and regulations regarding the daily flow of people through this ancient Inca city.


The ascent to Huayna Picchu mountain is considered one of the best short hikes in the world and is also an experience that is hard to forget. It hosts a multitude of attractions that visitors can observe on their visit to the incredible Inca citadel.

The hike from the citadel of Machu Picchu to the summit of Huayna Picchu mountain takes between one to two hours, and the descent, slightly less, is somewhat vertiginous and steep, depending on the physical endurance of the visitor.

During the hike, it is possible to encounter a wide variety of flora and fauna ranging from famous orchids, ferns, and bromeliads; to some insects, birds, and with some luck, wild animals such as the spectacled bear or the Andean cock-of-the-rock.

At the summit of this mountain lies the so-called 'Temple of the Moon', an Incan construction made of stones that were somehow brought to the summit of this peak and is dedicated, as its name suggests, to the worship of the Moon.


Due to the high demand from both domestic and foreign tourists for entry tickets to Huayna Picchu mountain, reservations must be made in advance. The necessary lead time varies depending on the travel season, as some months recommend booking up to three months in advance.

The sale of entry tickets, both for the citadel of Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu mountain, is managed by the National Institute of Culture of Peru (INC). Thus, all agencies and tour operators, both national and international, depend on the information and availability provided by the INC.

It is important to note that the maximum number of visitors allowed per day is 325, as mentioned earlier, and they are divided into four groups, detailed as follows:

Entry TimeApproximate Number of Slots per Day
Group 107:00 - 08:00100 slots
Group 208:00 - 09:0075 slots
Group 309:00 - 10:0075 slots
Group 410:00 - 11:0075 slots
Schedule and slots subject to availability by the INC.

It is mandatory to purchase the ticket for Huayna Picchu mountain along with the ticket for access to the Machu Picchu citadel; it is not permitted to purchase only the ticket for Huayna Picchu.

The price of the ticket for Huayna Picchu mountain, along with access to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, is approximately USD 60.00 per person. Visitors are allowed to stay for up to a maximum of 6 hours, which are counted from the moment the traveler checks in at the INC control booth in Machu Picchu.

Possible Impediments to Accessing Huayna Picchu Mountain

The climb from the village of Aguas Calientes to the citadel of Machu Picchu takes about 25 minutes by bus or 2 hours on foot. Once at the site, the ascent to Huayna Picchu mountain begins, which can only be done on foot and requires good physical condition.

It is important to note that access is restricted to those over 12 years old due to the steep incline and dangerous cliffs, some over 400 meters, found along the entire ascent. In many sections, travelers must use their hands to hold on securely, as a fall or slip could result in a fatal drop to the rocks of the Urubamba River below.

This hike is not recommended for those with an extreme fear of heights or vertiginous situations.

How to Successfully Secure a Reservation for Huayna Picchu Mountain

High and low seasons at the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, like many other tourist destinations worldwide, affect both ticket availability and the cost of some services.

The high season in the Cusco region generally begins in May, with the mass arrival of domestic and international tourists, and extends until October. During these months of high tourist influx, securing access tickets for Huayna Picchu mountain can be challenging, as most tickets sell out up to three months in advance.

The low season spans from November to April and coincides with the rainy season. During this period, the number of tourists decreases, and the costs of some services tend to reduce, making it easier to obtain available tickets for Huayna Picchu mountain.

With this information in mind, you have the opportunity to plan your itinerary in advance and secure your access tickets to enjoy this enigmatic and unforgettable experience.

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