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Pisac, Archaeological Park

The archaeological complex of Pisac is one of the main attractions in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. It is considered one of the finest archaeological complexes in Peru. This site was not only an Inca citadel but also a significant religious center. Learn everything you need to know about this incredible place.
Panoramic view from the Pisac archaeological site
Panoramic view from the Pisac archaeological site


The Pisac archaeological park was built by order of Inca Pachacútec, the main extender of the Inca Empire, in the mid-15th century. With the arrival of the Spanish conquest, this place was invaded and the inhabitants fled, leaving the location. The conquerors destroyed the main monuments and the cemetery was looted and destroyed.

Over time, the population settled at the foot of the mountain where the archaeological site was built. Currently, it is divided into two zones: the ancient part located at the top, which is the Inca archaeological site, and the current part, which is the colonial town at the foot of the mountain.

The name Pisac comes from the Quechua word "Pisaca" meaning partridge. Originally, the Pisac archaeological site was shaped like a partridge, as the Incas liked to shape their most important cities into the forms of animals.


The National Archaeological Park of Pisac consists of groups of archaeological remains including terraces, aqueducts, roads associated with walls and gates, channeled watercourses, cemeteries, bridges, etc.

It covers an area of 4 square kilometers. Over this area, constructions occupy the hills, forming groups of complicated arrangements, while in other parts, isolated constructions can be seen.

Among the notable features are the 40 terraces forming an inverted triangle, primarily used for agriculture. Additionally, you can find the neighborhood of QaschisRaqay, the neighborhood of K’allaQ’asa, the neighborhood of Intiwatana, the neighborhood of Pisaq’a, and the neighborhood of Tianayuc, the five Inca neighborhoods located in different sectors of the citadel.


The Pisac Park is located 33 km east of the city of Cusco. You can reach it through an agency on a tour of the Sacred Valley. You can also use public transportation going to Urubamba, which departs every 15 minutes. You need to get off at the Pisac bridge and from there head towards the back of the Pisac temple on a walk of about an hour.

Tourist Attractions

Group of Acchapata Terraces

Just 200 meters uphill from the Pisac town square, there is a beautiful set of terraces. This group consists of 40 terraces forming a kind of triangle with the vertex pointing downwards, meaning the smallest terrace is the first one visitors see when they start to ascend.

Towers or Pucaras

In the Pisac citadel, we can count more than twenty towers, which are of two types:

  • Habitacle towers, are conical enclosures associated with water channels, constructed with well-crafted and assembled pieces. These resemble pulpits attached to the mountain.
  • Watchtower towers, are beautiful elevations with a conical tendency. They are not enclosures; their texture is solid and their interior is compact mass, but their surface portion is flat. The most important in its location is Qoriwayrachina.

Intiwatana Neighborhood

This central neighborhood was the seat of temples and palaces, with higher architectural quality and more beautiful walls. The enclosures are larger compared to those in other neighborhoods. It has three levels to enhance aesthetics and comfort, with buildings oriented towards the main valley. In this place, we can find: the central enclosure, the Intiwatana, the altar carved in volcanic breccia, groups of liturgical fountains, alleys, and courtyards.

Tianayuc Neighborhood

It is known as Tianayuc, meaning “that has a seat,” since in the inner courtyard there is a kind of sofa for two people with a backrest and armrests made of stone. This neighborhood is small, with rooms whose doors open onto a central courtyard, plus a nearly destroyed tower that overlooks much of the K’itamayu gorge.

K’allaQ’asa Neighborhood

It is the largest neighborhood in the Inca city of Pisac, built on the mountain's summit, the highest altitude of all the enclosures. Its enclosures are spread over a sloping plane, descending northwards. It has many rooms, steep slopes, towers, a short tunnel 3 meters long; this neighborhood has impressive ravines on its sides.

Pisaq’a Neighborhood

Located on the Chongo gorge, two hundred meters from the Intiwatana neighborhood and at a lower height. This neighborhood was built by lowering the surface level to create a plain. The neighborhood's plan is semicircular, following the shape of the mountain. This group consists of 23 enclosures built with amazing order.

QanchisRaqay Neighborhood

This neighborhood has many important constructions. The houses are made of medium and small stones. The neighborhood's plan is inclined, reaching the slope where the Chongo stream is located. The entire neighborhood is like a sentinel controlling the northeastern side of the city of Pisac.

Archaeological complex of Pisac
Archaeological complex of Pisac

Other Activities During Your Visit to Pisac

Upon arriving in the town of Pisac, you can not only visit the archaeological park but also engage in other activities.

Pisac Botanical Garden

This space allows us to appreciate different types of flora, such as orchids, the kantu flower, medicinal plants, and various Andean cacti. You can also visit the potato museum, with a display of 200 native potatoes, which is only a small percentage of the more than 3,000 varieties of potatoes found in Peru.

This botanical garden has a mineral exhibit and an insect exhibition from the area, including butterflies, beetles, and more.

It is located just a block and a half from the Pisac Plaza, with visiting hours from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm daily. Tickets can be purchased at the garden entrance, so there are no excuses not to visit this place during your visit to Pisac.

Trek to the Archaeological Site

The Pisac archaeological park is 3.6 km from the town, making many visitors prefer to hike up the mountain. The route ascends approximately 454 m following stone steps. Completing the entire path can take between 2 to 3 hours, depending on the individual's physical condition.

Visit the Pisac Market

The market in the town of Pisac is famous for offering a wide variety of products, including food, jewelry, and garments made by local artisans. On Sundays, the market receives producers from communities near Pisac, where you will find all kinds of natural foods. This experience is full of color and traditions, and it is a must-see during your visit to the Pisac archaeological site.

Traditional Pisac market
Traditional Pisac market

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